
Sustainability is the key to becoming self-reliant, decreasing your carbon footprint, and lowering your ecological impact. 

One of the core tenants of permaculture is establishing and maintaining harmony, which can take place in the form of having a food forest. That would implement a way to grow food and provide a habitat for local bird and microbiology, as well as helping reverse the effects of global deforestation. 

Sustainability is a huge and important topic, so Eden and Dane is happy to break it down and make it understandable, and relatable.

Sustainability Assessment

Sometimes it’s beneficial to get a bird’s eye view of a property, be it for pragmatic financial reasons, or an interest in renewable energy generation. 

Eden and Dane can help you. We will assess your property, make recommendations, and do all the installations. 

Areas of Assessment

Solar Energy Utilization

Water Usage and Habits

Water Paths & Harvesting (Rain Gardens, Swales, Harvests)

Perennial Food Systems

 Electricity Usage

Closed Loop Nutrient Systems

Regenerative Ecology

Graywater Systems

Soil & Water Type and Quality

Implementation and Installation

Once an assessment has been completed, strategies for implementation can be enacted. We’ll handle all of it so you don’t have to lift a muscle.